And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

–  Matthew 25:40

Kindred in Christ,      

There are more days in the season of Lent behind us than there are before us, and yet each week we find something both simple and profound to guide us on. In this week’s passage we hear that in order to stand in the light of God confidently, we need only remember the ones who Christ calls family: those who are hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick, in prison. These are the people who Christ reaches through, who Christ calls through to get our attention. Let us hold this verse in our minds as we look to the weeks ahead, seeking those places where Christ is inviting us to be kingdom builders by offering our care and support.        

Since we are getting closer and closer to Holy Week, below is a list of all the opportunities to worship that we have going on leading up to Easter morning:    
Services of Healing & Release:  
As we journey through life we pick up wounds of the spirit and soul.  As we hike the road of life our bodies bear the scars of our journey. These services are designed to offer ways to release the emotional and psychological wounds that we carry with us and seek wholeness-healing within our Saviour.   This service will include music, prayer, an opportunity to light a candle for our concerns and to be anointed with healing oil.   
Wednesday April 10, 2019        
Wednesday April 17th, 2019      
These services start at 7:30 PM. All are welcome        

Holy Week Services:     
Wave palms, sing praises, and come before the cross in prayer throughout Holy Week. Experience the triumph and the tragedy, and ultimately the glory of God revealed. Below are a list of the services happening through Holy Week.     
Palm Sunday: Sunday, April 14th@10:30 AM        
Maundy Thursday (Wilmot): Thursday, April 18th @6:00 PM 
Good Friday: Friday, April 19th@10:30 AM        
Sunrise Service (Pedway): Sunday, April 21st @ 7:00 AM with breakfast to follow @ Wilmot United Church  
Easter Communion: Sunday, April 21st @ 10:30 AM 

Along with these special services happening throughout the Lenten season, we also have other activities to deepen our faith and strengthen our relationship with God and with one another. Have a look at what is happening at St. Paul’s over the next few weeks.      

Youth and Family breakfast at Demfries this coming Saturday -meeting by 10am at Demfries.  RSVP to Rev Michelle ( if you are coming.    

-This past Sunday, there was a paper insert in the bulletin asking for congregational feedback for the Ministry & Personnel Committee.  Thank you to the over 30 people who responded. If you didn’t have an opportunity to respond on paper, please do so using this electronic link:  Your feedback is invaluable.     

Scouting Sunday is this Sunday! We are excited to have the Scouts be a part of our worship and fellowship on April 7th. During worship we will also take a moment to acknowledge the years of service to Scouts offered by Helen Craig (65 years) and Karoline Barr (40 years). Following worship, the Scouts/Beavers/Cubs are hosting fellowship, and they are bringing cake! 

-Streaming Sunday Worship: Despite some technical hiccups we are continuing to stream our services for those who want to be a part of the worship experience but can’t be with us Sunday morning. The link for April’s worship is – You should be able to hear the worship service and see what is on the screens. If you have feedback on your experience email:    

-Reflective bible study:  Spend time with the word of God, think about what it is saying to you today and what God may be saying through the scripture.   No bible experience needed. Join Eric Hotte at 9:15 am until 10am in the church office. Each week the focus on the scriptures for that day, participants say the service takes on a new meaning.  This Sunday the reading will be Matthew 25:31-46. Following the study, there will be a prayer group until 10:20am. Absolutely everyone welcome! Come to one or both of these exciting and faith building opportunities      

-Lenten online Bible Study: Winter makes it hard to get out even on a good day. So, join Rev. Richard online and share the Good News as we engage with and experience the Word together.  Don’t miss this week Monday at 7:30 p.m. as we reflect on Matthew 21:1-17. The link to the study is and you can check any time before the meeting to make sure your computer/phone/tablet works. Just make sure the sound is turned on. May we walk with Christ on this journey through Lent.      

-Lenten Film Series:  During this season of reflection, we are showing a variety of films for exploring our faith and themes of Lent. Join us this Sunday evening as we have a showing of the family friendly movie Inside-Out at 2 p.m. in the sanctuary. A small concession on site will include popcorn, chocolate bars, juice boxes, water and pop are available. The proceeds from these sales fund Christian Education opportunities for all ages.  Our last movie for adult/mature audiences is showing at 7pm, April 14th (Calvary).   Each film will be followed by short discussion on the film.      

Lenten Lunch Recitals:  Wednesdays 12:10 – 12:50 pm     Free Will Offering will be received.    
April 10th:     Featuring a Love themed vocal and piano duet by Dianne Roxborough Brown and      
Kathrin Welte.  
April 17th:     Spirituals by the Vocal Collective, Organ works by Dr. Sharon Pond and featuring a Pedal Extravaganza by Leo Sowerby.   

-Retirement Home Service: With the start of a new month comes more opportunities to share faith in song and prayer. In the coming weeks we have 1 retirement home service, and we hope that you can make time to join us there to support our brothers and sisters as we worship together.      
-Thursday, April 18th @ 10:00 a.m. (Windsor Court)      

-Support the youth:  Looking to buy bulbs or seeds through Vesey’s the youth group will be raising funds to support their programing and the wider work of the church again this Spring.  Catalogues are available at the office, and orders are due on Sunday, April 21st (Easter Sunday).     

ATTENTION PARENTS LOOKING FOR SUMMER PROGRAMS: Vacation Bible School is changing! St. Paul’s and Wilmot are partnering to host FULL DAY programming. From July 22-27, our Vacation Bible School will be running from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. The dates are firm, and pre-registration will open soon. Cost for registration is by free-will offering. 


This Sunday is the second to last Sunday in Lent and we will be hearing Matthew 25:31-46. Rather than worry about where we find ourselves in the division between the sheep and the goats, I want to invite you to reflect on those tones where you have played a part in supporting someone else. However small your part, you helped to change someone’s life for the better.  

Focus on what gifts you have to offer for the care and support of God’s children. As you do so, I invite you to carry this prayer with you:     

Reach out to us, O Christ: through the lonely, the lost, and the unloved. Remind us that we are called to embrace those that the world has set aside, seek those who society has forgotten, and open our hearts to the joy of sharing the grace and love of God. Hear us as we pray, O Christ, and inspire us. AMEN     

Yours in Christ  
Rev. Michelle & Rev. Richard    

The bulletin for this Sunday is also available for download from here.