Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Happy Summer! We know that the first day of Summer came last week, but the majesty of creation is worthy of celebration every day!

Because the summer is a time for celebration, rest, and adventure for so many of us, we want to start by wishing you a safe and sun-soaked few months. Wherever you go, whether you are near or far, know that your kindred in Christ here at St. Paul’s are holding you in prayer. You may also remember that throughout the month of June we have been handing out “Flat Jesus” (there are still some left in the office if you haven’t gotten yours yet). Flat Jesus is a lot of things, but first and foremost, it is a reminder that Christ is with us no matter where we go, no matter where our adventures take us. We also hope that as you go, you throw Flat Jesus in the dash of you car or in a backpack so that he is in arms reach for when you are capturing those adventures on camera. From the beach to the bowling alley, a wedding to a sunset walk, Flat Jesus can be right there with you. When you’ve captured that moment with our divine companion, we invite you to send that memory along to this email address: We will be posting the adventures of Flat Jesus to the website throughout the summer and compiling a slideshow of all the places he has been in the early fall.

Just because summer is here, does not mean that the church takes a break. Like every week, your ministry team will be visiting, praying, getting worship ready, listening to the Holy Spirit for guidance. Cathy is still in the office, keeping the wheels turning, though the office will be closed on Fridays for the summer months. We are still here for you when you need us.

Worship also continues in the summer, though in a different way. During the months of July and August we join with Wilmot United and become something new and different: Downtown United. During the month of July, both communities will be worshipping at Wilmot United Church on the corner of King and Carleton Streets. During the month of August, we all move to St. Paul’s United Church to continue to worship together. Worship throughout the summer is at 10:30, regardless of the church, and ministry from both churches will be sharing in the presiding of worship. We look forward to singing, praying, and praising God with you throughout the summer.

Speaking of worship, this week Rev’s Rose-Hannah and Richard will be leading the service on Canada Day. The focus scripture will be Matthew 14:22-33: a storm on the lake, Jesus and Peter walking on water, disciples frightened and reassured. Come and hear words of hope as we walk this journey of faith together.

***M&P Update!***
St. Paul’s M&P is happy to welcome back Pastor Sarah Magie who is returning from maternity leave to complete the last 6 months of her 2 year civilian ministry with us. In January, Sarah will follow her calling to become a padre with the Canadian military. Pastor Sarah, Reverends Michelle and Richard are collaborating on some exciting plans for her precious time with us – stay tuned!

As you make your way into warmer days, we look forward to the ways in which we share this time and this world. Let us make every moment sacred by living fully into each one. And as you go, take this prayer with you:

God of the road, lead us to wherever you need us to be. God of light, shine through us onto a world that while bathed in summer light can be so dark. God of the journey, remind us that where we are going is not nearly as important as how we get there and who we walk with. This we ask in the strong name of Jesus Christ, our constant companion. AMEN

Have a great long weekend and Happy Canada Day!

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Richard & Rev. Michelle

Also the bulletin for our first service with our brothers and sisters at Wilmot United is available for download from here.