Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are deep into the Lenten season, and so far we have heard much of the story of the Passion of Christ: his arrest, his questioning, and this Sunday the final call for the crucifixion. In the reading of John 19:1-19 we will hear Pilate searching both the Christ and the crowd for a reason to free or condemn Jesus. As we come so close to the Cross, let us pause and pray.

Courageous Christ, walk with us in the days to come. Walk with us as we together hear your story of suffering, but also with all of us who are living stories of struggle. Give us the strength that we need to support one another. Help us to be present in each moment of all the stories that make up the days of our lives. Keep us mindful of the hope that waits beyond the cross, but let it be a light that guides us in the days to come, and not simply something we run to ignoring people and situations along the way. In your strong name we pray. AMEN

Let us hold this prayer in our hearts and minds as we move forward into the days and weeks ahead. Remember it as we hear the crowds shouting this coming Sunday in our scripture reading and ask ourselves, when have we gone against the grain in the name of what is right and just? When did we remain silent? When did we shout along?

Beyond this coming Sunday we have a busy week. Along with many of the weekly programs like Tuesday Morning Bible Study, Wednesday Morning Prayers in the Parlour, and the Men’s group on Wednesday evening, we also welcome a new addition. Starting Tuesday, March 20th and happening on the third Tuesday of each month you are invited to take part in a conversation and bring questions about God, faith, and life at “Theology on Tap”. Join us at Dolan’s on King’s Street from 8-10 pm as we journey together in faith.

Our youth group has been actively meeting on the 1st and 3rd Friday which makes Friday, March 16th, the Youth Group’s next gathering! The youth are also taking a leadership role in our congregation with a fundraiser with Vesey’s bulb and seeds. Everyday brings Spring closer, indeed we are little more than a week from the official first day of spring. Check out the table they will have every Sunday between now and Easter in Fraser Memorial Hall during coffee and conversation or check out the catalogue link on our Facebook page.

Speaking of youth – many of our youth are performing in the George Street School presentation of “Guys and Dolls” on March 23rd and 24th, if you are interested in attending in support, tickets are available at Read’s Newsstand $5 Student/Senior $10 Adult.

We also invite you to drop in through the week to take part in our Lenten spiritual practice of “Colouring the Psalms”. A large page along with markers and pencil crayons have been set out in Fraser Memorial Hall, and all are encouraged to drop by the church through the week and on Sundays to add their colour. This is meant to be an intergenerational practice so come and join brothers and sisters of all ages on the journey.

Dr. Sharon Pond brings us a return of the Lenten noon recitals on Wednesdays, March 21 and March 28 from 12:10-12:50pm. Looking ahead to May 6th our music department also brings us a unique opportunity to participate in Handle’s Messiah “Sing-A-Long” here at St. Paul’s. If you don’t sing you can get a ticket just to come and enjoy the music.

Lastly, but certainly not least, all are welcome to join us for a Family Night in Fraser Memorial Hall on Saturday, March 24th, beginning at 5:30 pm. Come and enjoy a family friendly movie with an Easter theme, popcorn, and your choice of chicken or veggie nachos. To confirm your attendance, or for more information, please contact Jennifer or Brad Green at 454-7543.

Have a blessed week as we walk closer to the Cross, closer to the Tomb, closer to Spring and to New Live.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Richard & Rev. Michelle

Also the bulletin is available for download from here.