Greetings Brothers and SIsters in Christ!

Just as our Welcome Back BBQ was an awesome time of fellowship, so too was our first Bring a Friend to Church worship and fellowship potluck. As always there was a variety of food with more than enough to go around. The next one will happen on October 29th. We hope you consider joining us for that service (and the ones in between as well!) and for the lunch that follows.

As with every week, there are a number of programs that we hope you take the time to check out. On Monday evenings at 7pm we have Spirit Sisters. On Tuesday mornings at 10am we have the Seniors Books Study (this is open to all seniors, men and women). And on Wednesday evenings at 7pm we have the Men’s Conversation Group. Both the men’s and women’s groups are travelling through the same book, Bullseye: Aiming to Follow Jesus. Drop in and see what the conversation is like. Something else that we hope you consider as you make your way through the week is Prayers in the Parlour. This happens Wednesday mornings at 10am in the Ladies’ Parlour. Come and pray, and seek the presence of the One who calls to you.

This Sunday, October 1st, along with continuing with the Narrative Lectionary, we will also be celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion with Rev. Michelle Armstrong presiding. The focus scripture for this week will be The Revealing of God’s Name (Exodus 2:23-25; 3:1-15; 4:10-17). Let us come together to share the feast at the table and hear the story of God’s calling of Moses.Following the service of worship there will be a congregational meeting taking place in Fraser Memorial Hall. At this meeting we will hear some of the work being done by committees, invite people to join committees where they feel their passions call them, and review where we are at financially. If you are parent of young children and are wondering if there is a place for them during worship, wonder no more! We have Sunday School classes for children aged 4+, and our nursery is staffed with volunteers for children 3 and under. All are welcome, and all have a place to call their own at St. Paul’s.

Speaking of youth, our Youth Group met on September 22nd and had 10 in attendance. The focus was popcorn and the movie Moana, with questions centering on those people who influence our lives. We look forward to continuing this journey on Friday, October 6th, our Youth Group, led by Rev. Michelle, will be gather from 6:30-9:00 PM.

Along with the regular goings on around St. Paul’s United, the Presbytery of Woolastook met at Forest Hill United on Thursday. Presbytery is a court of the church made up of congregations in an area. We come together to worship, to help churches find ministers, live in to presbytery wide programs, and support one another in the wider work of the church in our Presbytery of Woolastook.

This past week we also saw Rev. Richard on vacation, and next week Rev. Michelle will take some time away as well. The fall, though it has only just begun, has been a busy time, and we there is more to come on the horizon.

Rev. Richard & Rev. Michelle