Then Jesus said to them, ‘The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared.’

-Mark 10:39-40       


Kindred in Christ,

We hope and pray that each of you is having a blessed (though a little soggy) first week of March. Many of you are enjoying March break with family and friends, while others are just celebrating each day as it comes. Wherever you find yourself this week, we hope that you are safe, warm, and surrounded by the Holy Spirit.


We also continue our Lenten journey this week, and in worship we will hear the disciples, James and John, making a big request of Jesus: for them to sit at his right and left hand in the kingdom of heaven. But as Jesus goes on to say, the Kingdom can seem like an upside-down place when compared to the world we walk in. Those who strive for greatness in the next life must serve those around them; those who want to be first, must put all others before them. It was hard for the disciples to hear this, and it is just as hard for us to hear it.


As we move from day to day in Lent may we look for the ways that we can follow more closely the Christ who calls us. Let us strive to think less about how we can get ahead, and more about those who we step over or around to get there. 


Below are some of the ways you can be a part of the wider community of St. Paul’s that includes Sunday morning and beyond!


The President of Fundy St Lawrence Dawning Waters Region Audrey Lounder, is looking forward to meeting as many of our lay members as possible. Our meeting date is March 25th starting at 7:00 pm at Nashwaaksis United Church. Please register – if you haven’t already, so we can contact you if weather causes us to reschedule. You can register by emailing or by calling 506-977-1308. We are gathering as lay and clergy together.


Liturgy Through Lent. Some say that Lent is a time to give something up. Another practice of Lent is letting something go. Each Sunday through Lent there will be a time of reflection as we take open up to God and to ourselves. During that time, each of us will be asked to write something in response to a question, and place that paper in a box. No names, just experiences and truths we share with the one who calls us to follow him.


ANNUAL REPORTS are due if you haven’t completed one yet please do so asap.


Streaming Sunday Worship. Want to be a part of our worship experience but aren’t able to get into the church for some reason? Maybe you are travelling away from the city but want to pray with your kindred in Christ, or maybe you are sick at home, but want to sing hymns that bring their own healing comfort. You can worship with us! Follow this link: at or around 10:30 AM on Sunday mornings and be apart of the worship experience.


Lenten Prayer Service. Starting on March 1st and continuing through until April 5th Rev. Richard will be leading a prayer service online each week. All are invited to take in this time of prayer and reflection.

  • When?: Weekly on Sunday @ 7 pm starting on March 1st
  • How to Connect?: Log in through Zoom by following this link:, or call in through the following number: 1(647)558-0588, and use this meeting ID: 863 317 863.


Retirement Home Services. We want to remind everyone that we have regular worship services at a few Retirement Homes in the area. These services help keep us connected to one another, especially for those who find getting to Sunday worship difficult or impossible. Come and join in the singing and the praying as we widen our community to include as many as possible. Dates for upcoming services are below:


  • Thursday, March 19th: Windsor Court @ 10 am (5th floor common area)


The road through Lent – indeed through life – is one that we are called to walk together. Like the early disciples, each of us has gifts that we bring to this journey. Come this Sunday as we share in prayer and song, seeking the ways that we might share those gifts with one another.


Let us pray:

O Teacher, 

We do not come seeking glory in your name, but only to serve in your name.

Unlike James and John, we’re not looking for the best or highest seat at your side.

We ask only that you make our hearts the seat of your presence, 

that we might feel your love and follow in your way.

This we ask in your Holy name, O Christ. AMEN


Yours in Christ,        

Rev. Richard and Rev. Michelle