After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, ‘Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.’                       Genesis 15:1

Kindred in Christ,

The days are getting colder, and as of a few days ago we have officially moved into the Autumn season. The days are getting colder and shorter, and the leaves have been changing for a while now. Though this is something that happens every year, I don’t want us to take this transition for granted. We are bearing witness to the cycle of life in our part of the world, a cycle that is analogous to our own in that the world moves from life to, to death, and into new life. These transition times can be tumultuous, even frightening, but as we stop and watch the world in its movements, I want to invite you to take a breath and remember these words from our Creator: “Do not be afraid.” Simple words, and words said by God to God’s people often enough that we should get that living in fear is not a part of what God wants for us.

So as we experience this season of change, let’s reflect on the ways that we are a part of change in this world. Below are some ways that the church can be a part of that journey that we are on together through change, through challenge, and into new life.

Sunday School On Hold: We received a recommendation from the Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Region to refrain from having in-person Sunday School until later October/early November.  Although disappointing, we look forward to the time we can host our young people again! Until then, stay tuned for Christian Education home learning options for your family!

Worship In-Person or by Zoom: We continue to live into a hybrid worship where we have seats available for those who would like to worship in-person, but will continue to offer streamed worship through Zoom. However you join us, we are glad to have you!.

  • The Zoom link is:
  • The password for this meeting room is: 200188
  • For those who would prefer to call in the number is: 1 647 558 0588 then use the Meeting ID: 858 1154 8808, and then enter the passcode 200188 when prompted

Step-by-Step From Sidewalk to Pew, and Back Again: For the last few weeks, we have had a step-by-step guide in our eNews for how you will move into and out of worship. For a refresher on this, check out previous enews posts on the website:

Congregational Meeting:

At our annual meeting, we agreed to have a congregational meeting on Sunday, September 27th at 1 pm. This is just a reminder that this meeting is happening, but also to share with you the information needed to log in to Zoom (as it will be a Zoom meeting). Remember that Zoom now requires the use of a meeting password. It is included below:

  • Zoom Link:
  • Password: 200188
  • For those who would prefer to call in the number is:  1 647 558 0588 then use the Meeting ID: 825 0040 4018, and then enter the passcode 200188 when prompted

Pastoral Concerns & Hospital Visitation

With the easing of restrictions means more opportunity for Rev. Richard to be there for you when you need him. As always, he is available to address pastoral care concerns over the phone (262-2150) or by email (, but you may want a visit after so long. If you would like to arrange a visit, contact Rev. Richard either by phone or email, and a time will be set up. 

If you or someone you know is in hospital, restrictions have been loosened there as well. Clergy are now allowed to visit people who are in hospital so long as a direct request is made to the minister, with a room number. Call or email any time and Rev. Richard will get to the hospital as soon as he is able.

Office Coverage; Eric will be out of the office Wednesday September 30th, Thursday October 1st also the following Monday October 5th through Thursday October 8th. There will be coverage from 10-2 each day to connect with someone in the office to pick up or drop off. We are very grateful for our volunteers helping. Thank you.

Annual General Meeting of Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Region:

This Saturday, September 26th, your Regional Reps along with reps from across PEI, NB, and parts of the Gaspe will log on to Zoom to do some very important work for the church! We ask that you keep all those who have worked and will work to make things happen in your prayers this coming week and throughout the day on Saturday September 26th.

This is also the first Annual meeting that we are having as a region on our own (without our Region 15 kindred) since we moved to the three court model. While we will miss our Blue Nose and Bermudian partners, we look forward to finding celebration even in the midst of this pandemic.

World Communion Sunday  On October 4th we are going to be celebrating the Holy Sacrament of Communion, and yes, so long as we are safe to gather in the sanctuary, we will have elements (pre-packaged juice and wafer) for you! For those at home, we encourage you to get some bread and juice (or a suitable alternative) and join us on Zoom! ***Please note: The pre-packaged elements are not gluten free, and do contain red dye. Alternatives are being looked into but we do not have something ready at this time. More information may be forthcoming.

Looking out at the world, near or far, it would be easy for us to become fearful of what is happening, fearful of the uncertainty of the road ahead. Now more than ever we need to hear the words of God, “Do not be afraid”. Come on Sunday, tune in on Zoom, or catch the recorded service on Youtube later in the week and you will be reminded of God’s presence in every part of our lives; reminded that God promises to guide us through the hard times.

As we are reminded that God wants us not to live in fear but rather in hope, let us pray:

We call out to you in fear, O God
because we are unsure of ourselves;
because the future is beyond our sight;
because we don’t know where we are going or how we will get there.

Speak to us – to our heart and soul – again. Calm the chaos of our minds.
Walk beside us to help us find our way.
Shine your love light so we know we are not alone.

We ask this and all things in the strong name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. AMEN

Yours in Christ

Rev. Richard Bowley