This week we are continuing in the 3rd chapter of Proverbs. The reading can be found by following the link below:

Wealth is defined in a lot of different ways. The most obvious and sometimes (though less know in this digital age) most tangible is financial or material wealth. It is easy to log into our bank accounts and see what we have or what we are lacking. We can look around our homes and see a physical reflection of “wealth”. But wealth in our world comes in all shapes and sizes.

Many people find their wealth defined by the relationships they have. This is not necessarily measured by the number of “friends” one has, so much as it depends of the depth of the relationships that one fosters. In this case,wealth is the love that we share and build with one another. The richest person may have nothing in the way of material wealth because their true treasure is friends and family, the love in their life.

The passage from Proverbs 3 speaks of yet another kind of wealth, referred to here as the “true wealth”, the wealth of wisdom. This is wisdom that comes not from lived experience but from God. This wisdom is the foundation of the world, the anchor to the heavens, the beginning and end of all that has life.

As we reflect on what we name as wealth in our own lives – what each of us deems “true wealth”-, let us pray:

Transforming God, shape us as you shaped the world. Enable us to see what in our lives has true value. Guide us ever on the paths that bring us to deeper understandings of the love that we find in one another, and the wisdom we find in your teachings. This we pray in the strong name of our brother and Saviour, our teacher and source of wisdom, Jesus Christ. AMEN

Rev. Richard