See, you have instructed many; you have strengthened the weak hands. Your words have supported those who were stumbling, and you have made firm the feeble knees. But now it has come to you, and you are impatient; it touches you, and you are dismayed.

 –  Job 4:3-5

Kindred in Christ,

One of the strangest things that can happen during a time of upheaval, is that it starts to feel normal. Like sailors on a boat, we find our sea-legs in the midst of the storm, but it doesn’t change the fact that there is still a storm going on. We have to be careful to not become too complacent or comfortable because a wave could rise to throw us back. When it comes to COVID-19, without a vaccine, we continue to live carefully, physically distancing from one another, being more aware of the surfaces we touch. With regards to the issues of racism, hate, and prejudice, we must watch ourselves, aware of when we become desensitized to the stories of pain and brokenness. It might break our heart to remain open, but it keeps us connected to one another, grounded when things start to shake.

Still, as we are aware of ourselves, we continue to find ways of building routine, of finding a path through what is going on. We want to be partners with you through these times. Below are some of the ways we will be reaching out over the coming months. Scroll down farther to get a look at our online offerings.

Downtown United 2020: Every year we gather with our kindred in Christ at Wilmot United Church to journey on a path of faith we call Downtown United. This year, we will continue that joint effort, but we will be doing it in a different way. Richard and Ellen have worked out a worship schedule that will have us sometimes worshipping in the way that Wilmot has over the past few months (pre-recorded, available Sunday morning) and sometimes in the way that we have been experiencing worship (live Sundays @ 10:30, but available to watch anytime after). The schedule for these worship services can be found here:

More Music in Worship: We want to extend the invitation to anyone who would offer their gifts – whether you can play or sing – to make our worship experience even better. Please contact Rev. Richard if you would like to sing or play (or both) during an upcoming Sunday service:, (506)262-2150

Mapping Out Maternity: We’re in the last week before Rev. Michelle goes off on parental leave and that means we’re going to be doing some planning. June, July, and August are already mapped out, but in the coming weeks and months Rev. Richard will be reaching out to some of you to be a part of the way we worship and be the church over the next year. 

Speaking of Maternity: This week on Tuesday, June 9th at 10:04 AM, Rev. Michelle, Mike, and Reid welcomed Ella Grace into the world. Mom and baby are doing well. Let us all extend our blessings and offer prayers for the family of Rev. Michelle, Mike, Reid, and now Ella Grace.

Helping people engage: we have started a pick-up option for resources to strengthen your faith. If there is something on our website that you would like access to but don’t have a way to access or print. Just call Eric in the office 458-1183 and he will make sure it gets into the purple folder on the Charlotte Street door for pick up at your convenience.

Pastoral Care: Your spiritual health is so important to us. We developed the phone tree to keep the church connected as we move through this pandemic, but it is not meant to stop you from reaching out to your Minister. Contact information is: Rev. Richard: (506)262-2150,

Even as the church prepares for the coming months, we are finding ways to reach out, connect, and engage with one another. These ways may look different from what we are used to, but they are helping us build strong bonds as a community of faith.

Check out some of the ways you can engage with and deepen your faith here at St. Paul’s United Church:

Online Offerings:

Sunday Worship: Every week since suspension of in-person activities at St. Paul’s, Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard have been leading worship virtually.

Join us for our live service through Zoom or Youtube Live:

If you can’t join us live you can find recordings on Facebook, on our Youtube Channel, or at the St Paul’s website

Prayer Services: Every week, Rev Richard records an evening and a morning prayer service. You can join him live on Sunday nights at 7pm or Wednesday mornings at 10am, or you can make use of the recordings any time. Please note that these will continue until the end of June, after which we will move to a single prayer service a week.

Live Prayer Services: 

Spiritual Practices: there are a variety of tools for developing and exploring faith on our website for people of all ages.

This week we continue our journey through the book of Job. In the verses that open this eNews we hear the words of a friend attempting to comfort Job, and not doing a very good Job of it. He is talking about the many times that Job has walked someone through grief and wondering why Job is now struggling. But the truth is that grief is not something that we get through, it is something that we live with, something the affects who we become, changes us. 

And whether we see it or not, many of us are grieving  as we struggle with what we have lost. Let us not shy away from living wholly our lives, experiencing the lows to make the high points that much more significant.

As we move towards worship on Sunday, the central practice of our faith, let us pray.

Guide us, O God, to be present in this moment,
for ourselves,
for one another,to encounter you.

Let us not rush through the darkness,
but walk confidently in your light.

Let us hold close to those who are struggling,
and allow others to support us in our pain.

From this moment into the next, you lead us.
Fill us with hope for what is to come.

This we pray in the strong name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN


Blessings to you this day,

Yours in Christ

Rev. Richard