There are many activities that any person can do to deepen their faith and connect with the strength that it offers.   This page contained links to many of these  spiritual practices both traditional and modern that you can engage with on your own time and as needed.   We hope that these will be a blessing to you and draw you closer to God.

Pentecost People Project:  We are asking that each member/adherent of the congregation send us a picture of themselves to include in a slideshow presentation during Pentecost Sunday May 31st.   So dress up in your Pentecost colours:  red, yellow, orange,  and if possible download and print either the colour yourself or coloured Pentecost flame to include in your shot.   Email your picture to the office no later than May 25th.

  • – Download your Pentecost Flames HERE!

Spiritual Gifts Inventory:  Part of Christian discipleship is service.  Each follower of Christ has been given gifts to serve the Lord and build up the kingdom of God and for the good of the body of believers.  Each of us has a unique part to play regardless of if we are 2 or 102 years old, God seeks for us to work together.   But knowing our gifts and owning them,  that can be challenging.   Below are several spiritual gift inventories that can help you to discern where God has gifted you for service in the church and beyond.

  •  – Spirit Given Gifts: compiled by Rev. David Ewart, a retired United Church Minister who does consulting work.  Find his inventory questionnaire and score guide, description of 22 Gifts of the spirit, suggestions for exploring your gifts and blog post with clarification points and discussion about spiritual gifts.  Start exploring today:
  • Spiritual Gifts Test: this resource comes from the United Methodists Church.  This test is completely on-line and automatically scored.  You will receive information on your top spiritual gifts which you could then print.
  • Spiritual Gifts Test for Youth: Shorter form designed for teenagers.  This simple inventory asks 80 questions to sort between a variety of gifts.   A score chart and descriptions of gifts with biblical texts to support them.
  • – Spiritual Gifts for Older Children:  This inventory is for upper elementary children grades 4-6.  It provides a simple 55 question inventory written in simple language.  Breaking responses into 11 different gifts with brief descriptions of each.
  • – Spiritual Gift for Young Children: Print out the sheet and have your young child circle the things they like.  This is the first step to exploring gifts with young children.  download here

Prayer: There are a variety of ways to pray.  Here are some resources to help you explore different prayer forms.

  • Illustrated MinistriesWhen You Feel Anxious Colouring Prayers provide a way to physically engage with our prayer life.  And by using alternative methods of engaging we can deepen our prayer experience.
  • Join Rev. Richard for Evening Prayer Sunday 7pm and Morning Prayer  Wednesday 10am
  • Sick of being inside try a Walking Prayer Instructions
  • Labyrinths are an ancient prayer and meditation tool.  Learn how to use a finger labyrinth HERE!
  • – Daily Ignatius Examen is a reflection prayer that can help us acknowledge sad and painful feelings and hear how God speaks through them,  overcome pessimistic outlook by encouraging us to notice the good in each day,  tell the truth about who we are and what we need,  and become more aware of seemingly insignificant moments.  Check out instructions on how to engage in this powerful prayer HERE.

Scripture:  Daily Scripture Reading-  Digging into God’s word gives us strength and support.  Check out these resources to explore and engage scripture.

Illustrated Ministries COVID-19 Free Weekly Resources: Colouring meditation and reflective engagement on the scriptures for adults and children.



If this service is something that helps you on your journey of faith, consider making a donation either by calling the church office at (506)458-1183 or through Canada Helps:

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