Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It has been almost a week since we woke up to news of such violence and death in our city, during this week we learned more about all who were involved. As we move from shock into the host of other emotions which may come let us continue to hold our city, and all who were involved and directly impacted in our prayers. Let us not forget to pray for ourselves and for God to use us in this time to be sources of love and light – even if just in the small ways of listening to our friends, being kind to your neighbour and choosing mercy and forgiveness over anger and sharing our feelings with others. These are the small acts that will help us heal as individuals and community. Details of the regimental funeral can be found

Regimental funeral for fallen officers won’t be open to …
The regimental funeral for the two Fredericton officers killed in Friday’s shootings will not be open to the public, the city announced at Monday.

******coming up dates ******
– Pantry is up and running again on Wednesdays from 9-11am. In the last two weeks we had 28 families served. If you want to help serve families directly through working in the pantry talk with Lois Walker. We could all serve our brothers and sisters in need by bringing something for the pantry. Check out the list that will be sent out later today.

– This month, Theology On Tap will be hosted/facilitated by St. Paul’s United Church on Monday, August 20th, from 8-10pm at Dolan’s Pub downtown Fredericton. Theology On Tap is an initiative of Forest Hill United Church, to get people of all beliefs together to discuss issues of interest to anyone. We may not agree with everyone, but we will find we have a lot in common. We come together with the goal of listening to learn from each other rather than listening to reply. All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there!

– During the last week of August (August 27th-31st) St. Paul’s, in partnership with Wilmot and Forest Hill, will be hosting Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme is “Rolling River Rampage: Experience the ride of a lifetime with God!” This program is geared towards children and youth from 4-12 yrs., and will run each day 9-12noon, with an early drop off option at 8:30 am. Call or visit the church office (458-1183) to register today! (Volunteers are always welcome; please reach out to Rev. Michelle if you can help!)

-Sunday September 9th is our fall kick-off. Prepare to be there for an amazing start to our fall program year. Dramatic reading of scriptures, opportunities to see what committees are planning for the new year, a blessing of the backpacks (kids are invited to bring their bags to church) and more fun activities. Mark your calendars and if we don’t see you in worship before then don’t miss our Fall Kick-off

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This month marks the end of our sponsorship responsibilities to our refugee family, over the last year they have improved their English skills remarkably. Amar (husband) has got employment at Sobeys and Fatama (wife) is using her previous education volunteering with the Mosque teaching Arabic. Omar celebrated his first birthday and is crawling at lightning speed and starting to show interest in walking and Leen is getting ready to go back to school in Grade 1 after a successful kindergarten year. Thank you to everyone who provided clothing and household items and financial support, your help has laid the foundation for this family to thrive here in their new home.

As we talk about endings, this week will be the last week for Prayers in the Parlour, Wednesday at noon. Bag lunches are welcome as we pray and eat and feast on the Spirit.
Now for something new! Region 14- this is the current name given to the regional group that we will be part of in the restructuring…but it doesn’t have to be the final name. Do you have a great name suggestion. Send it to before September 30th for your place in history or at least be a winner of a basket of fair trade items or $100.00 gift card. More information from the transition team (the commission tasked with laying out the implementation plan for our region) can be found on the bulletin board across from Fraser Memorial Hall.

This week in worship we will be hearing from 1 King 17:1-16, and considering how Elijah was fed by ravens and the widows experience of enough oil and flour to last through the famine. Scarcity is a common default in today’s world, however in this time, how are you seeing God’s great provision?

Loving God,
You filled creation with such abundance and diversity of life,
a constant reminder of your generous heart and overflowing nature.
When we find ourselves feeling like we are at the end of our ropes,
help us to see your provision for us, sometimes not in the ways we expect,
but in the ways that we need.
This we pray in the name of Jesus,
your greatest provision.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Michelle, Rev. Richard and Pastor Sarah