Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

As we mentioned back in June, we hope to show all the places where Flat Jesus has been with you, the people of St. Paul’s. With the summer quickly winding down we invite you to keep those pictures coming! He’s been to a lot of places, a part of a lot of celebrations, and we hope to see more! Send any photos of you and Flat Jesus to so that we can see the many places that you have taken Christ this summer.

This coming Sunday, August 26th, as we gather to worship God and give thanks for the blessings of this life, we will hear the story of the Good Shepherd. Each of us finds ourselves in places unknown, or situations of uncertainty, and it is the voice of the Shepherd calling us on that gives us assurance and hope. Come and hear the call of the shepherd as we find our way from where we are to where God is already at work.

******Important Dates and Events******
–The Pantry continues to serve on Wednesdays from 9-11am.cIf you want to help serve families directly through working in the pantry talk with Lois Walker. We could all serve our brothers and sisters in need by bringing something for the pantry. Check out the list that will be sent out later today.

– This coming week (August 27th-31st) St. Paul’s, in partnership with Wilmot and Forest Hill, will be hosting Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme is “Rolling River Rampage: Experience the ride of a lifetime with God!” This program is geared towards children and youth from 4-12 yrs., and will run each day 9-12 noon, with an early drop off option at 8:30 am. Call or visit the church office (458-1183) to register today! (Volunteers are always welcome; please reach out to Rev. Michelle if you can help!)

-September 2nd is our last service as Downtown United, our last time for the summer to come together in worship with our brothers and sisters at Wilmot. Join us for worship on Sunday September 2nd as we sing, pray, and share the Holy Sacrament of Communion before returning to the regular worship schedule of the fall

-Sunday September 9th is our fall kick-off. Prepare to be there for an amazing start to our fall program year. Come early toe the Sing-a-long before worship (10:10 am). There will also be dramatic reading of scriptures, opportunities to see what committees are planning for the new year, a blessing of the backpacks (kids are invited to bring their bags to church) and more fun activities, and a BBQ following the service of worship. Mark your calendars and if we don’t see you in worship before then don’t miss our Fall Kick-off

In the waning days of August, let us take in as much of the beauty that summer brings as we can as the start of another school year approaches.

Everlasting God, you continue to move in and through us and our world calling us from what was to what will be. Reveal to us a portion of our part in the building up of the kingdom. Walk with us. Empower us. Inspire us Guide us. It is in the strong name of Jesus Christ that we pray. AMEN

Yours in Christ,
The St. Paul’s Ministry Team
(Rev. Richard, Rev. Michelle, & Pastor Sarah)

The announcements for this weeek have also been posted on our website and can be found here.