Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

March has started with snow, something that most of us are ready to give up for the year. However, despite the cold start to the month we have a warm treat for you this Sunday. Come early before the prelude and our band of merry musicians will be leading us in some old time up beat songs before service. What better way to warm up than with fellowship and song!

This Friday our youth group is meeting for a games night and planning ways to engage with the ministries here at St. Paul’s (6:30pm.) The Youth will also be running a Vesey’s Flower Bulb and Seed sale as they explore the idea of Christian Care Giving (care for creation and care for others). So if you tend to buy flowers or need some new bulbs, keep our youth group in mind and keep an eye out for the youth table at coffee hour or chat with Rev. Michelle for more information or to order.

Rev. Richard and Rev. Michelle have had their second worship service at Parkland Shannex this week and are happy to announce that Rev. Richard will be starting worship at Windsor Court next month, keep your eyes open for date and time. And as always we have open prayers on Wednesday at 10am in the Ladies parlour.

You may have noticed that there have been inserts that talk about stewardship in the worship bulletins each week for the last 8 weeks. This is part of raising the profile of stewardship here at St. Paul’s. So what is stewardship? It is everything we say and do after we say yes to God! So every part of our life, not just our money is related to stewardship, and while money is part of stewardship it is not the only factor in having good stewardship. If you need or would like a copy of any of the previous stewardship inserts let us know. If you are passionate about using your time, talent and treasure to help build God’s kingdom, then consider joining the stewardship group.

This week in worship we will be hearing John 18:12-27 where Peter denies Jesus. As Peter slips into the darkness of fear and shadows, we realize just how easy it is to find ourselves saying and doing things we really do not want to. Thankfully we also still hear God’s call to be children of the light.

God of Shadow and God of Light, you can be found in both the darkness and bright sunshine of this world. Regardless of where we stand you are not too far away. When we are lost in the darkness call out to us and take our hand leading us back into your light. When we are in the light help us to shine that light into the world so that all may see your glory. This we pray in Christ’s name. Amen

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Michelle and Rev. Richard

The bulletin for this Sunday is available for download here.