This week in our Gospel we find two interrogations going on: one between Jesus and the High Priest, and the other between some people and the disciple Peter. Both are being asked about their true identity and who they say they are. In the case of Christ he stands resolute by all that he has done and said, while Peter shys from even admitting he was a follower of Christ.

The Psalm that is paired with the Gospel is significant, because on the one hand we have Peter, an early disciple – an early adopter one might say – of Christ and his teachings, and yet he denies that truth. On the other hand we have the person of the Psalm claiming steadfastness in the steps they have taken in following God.

When are we Peter and when are we the Psalmist? When is it that we claim unshakeable faith, and when do we find it easier to slip silently into the shadows of denial? Without a doubt we spend our lives at either end of this spectrum, often dancing around the middle somewhere.

As we reflect on where we are between Peter and the Psalmist, let us never forget that wherever we are on our journey of faith, God is always reaching out for us; Christ is always calling to us; the Holy Spirit is waiting to lead us on.

Let us pray

Psalm 17:3-4

If you try my heart, if you visit me by night, if you test me, you will find no wickedness in me; my mouth does not transgress. As for what others do, by the word of your lips I have avoided the ways of the violent. My steps have held fast to your paths; my feet have not slipped.

Search our hearts, O God, and know that we are always searching for you. Give us courage in those hard times where we feel alone; remind us that you are there. Show us your will when darkness seems a preferable path; shine your light and show us the way.Inspire in us a hope that can overcome any despair, a surety of your presence and guidance that can overcome any feeling of loss or waywardness; be the shepherd that we turn. This we ask in the name of the one who lives in our hearts, Jesus Christ. AMEN