…then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.                         -Genesis 2:7


Kindred in Christ,

As we reflect on the centering words above from this week’s scripture reading, I really want each person to recognize how lovingly they are made. Feel the hands of God shaping you into the person that you are, and know that they continue their work into who you will be.

With how you are shaped by God in mind, I also invite you to think about the ways that you shape the life and work here at St. Paul’s United Church. Maybe you have a gift to share in the form of time, talent, or treasure. It takes all kinds to build a strong community of faith.

Where do you see yourself serving?

Week of Vacation: Rev. Richard will be on vacation from the 14th-20th of September partially to rest and prepare for the fall, but also to celebrate his birthday (36 on September 20th)! Standing in for worship on September 20th will be the Rev. Brian MacDonald. 

Welcome Back Sunday: Our first Sunday back in the sanctuary was intimate and special, hopefully the beginning of a safe gathering practice. And so you are invited to join us again for our second Sunday back.


  • September 13th – Welcome Back Sunday: This is our official Welcome Back Sunday. It won’t look like it has in years before, there won’t be cake, and there won’t be a BBQ, but there will be Sunday School, and we will experience the Word together.


New Zoom link and privacy policy: Zoom has changed its privacy policies and as we move through September, our Zoom users will be required to have a password to access our live worship services. The new worship link and password are available below.

Return to Sunday School: Along with getting back together for Sunday worship, we will also be restarting our Sunday School in the fall. Our hope is that we begin our Sunday School this Sunday, September 13th. We are asking parents to have a look over the operational plan that we will provide, and to pre-register when possible. To pre-register your child/children, contact Cathy Davis at 455 – 1129 or by email at johntdavis@hotmail.com

Drop off for Sunday School: Before going into worship, we are asking parents to drop their children off for Sunday School at the York St door. There is a bell, and we ask that you ring it to notify volunteers of your arrival, if there is not someone waiting there for you. After dropping off your children, we invite you to follow these next steps before for joining in our worship service.

Step-by-Step From Sidewalk to Pew, and Back Again: What follows is what you can expect, step-by-step, when you arrive on Sunday morning.


  • Line-up Outside: As we screen people at the door, we are asking all of you to line up down the ramp and along the side of the building before worship. There will be tape to indicate where to stand and where to go. There will also be signs with some of the questions you should be prepared to answer. Please be sure to put your mask or shield on here. Worship will start at 10:30 AM sharp, so arrive early to get your seat.
  • Screening at the Door: Like many places, we will have a greeter at the door asking you the standard travel and health questions before you are able to enter. They have been instructed to turn people away who fail that screening and/or those who do not have a mask or face-shield. 
  • Placing Offering in Receptacle: To avoid passing around a plate in the middle of worship, we are asking that those with gifts to bring, place them in the designated offering receptacle in the Narthex after being screened but before being seated.
  • Seated by an Usher: After screening you will be asked “upstairs or downstairs” and the appropriate usher will lead you to the next available pew according to our seating instructions. If you are part of a larger bubbled group (4+ people) that has already arrived or will be arriving after you, please let your usher know. You might not get to sit in your favourite pew, but you might get a new perspective on the worship experience.
  • Mask/Shield on through Worship: Though our worship space is amazing, it is poorly ventilated, and so we require that you wear your mask/shield throughout worship. 
  • Directed out by Usher: At the end of worship, you will be directed when to leave your pew by the usher, with those closest to the exit leaving first, and those farthest from the exit leaving last.
  • Back out into the world: Once you are outside the walls of St. Paul’s United, you may remove your mask/shield. We ask that if people do gather in the parking lot, they do so physically distanced from one another.


If we follow these steps, we can ensure a safe and still Spirit-filled time of worship!


Pantry Volunteers: The Pantry is still up and running, and we are still feeding people but we need some people willing to serve to get the job done! If you have some time free on Wednesday mornings and want to help out, contact Lois Walker at 459-1458

Pastoral Concerns & Hospital Visitation                                                                     With the easing of restrictions means more opportunity for Rev. Richard to be there for you when you need him. As always, he is available to address pastoral care concerns over the phone (262-2150) or by email (rev.bowley@outlook.com), but you may want a visit after so long. If you would like to arrange a visit, contact Rev. Richard either by phone or email, and a time will be set up. 

If you or someone you know is in hospital, restrictions have been loosened there as well. Clergy are now allowed to visit people who are in hospital so long as a direct request is made to the minister, with a room number. Call or email any time and Rev. Richard will get to the hospital as soon as he is able.

So as we make our way towards worship this Sunday, what are some of the ways that you feel that you have been shaped by God? Where do you feel God leading you in the days ahead?


Wherever God leads you, take this prayer with you on the way:


Creator God, with your hands you shape us, and with your breath you give us life.        Touch our hearts this day, and open us to feel love for the world in the same way as you do: deeply and unconditionally.                                                                                                  Send your breath into our bodies and set our souls alight that we might live and work with the same creative spirit that you have.                                                                            Walk beside us through creation as we strive to be stewards and partners.                      We ask this and all things in the strong name of our brother and saviour Jesus Christ. AMEN


Yours in Christ

Rev. Richard Bowley