For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.’
-Matthew 18:20

Kindred in Christ,

As we start a new month, many of us are getting ready for a host of new beginnings: new classes, new processes, new forms of worship. All of this is happening because of the work, passion, and care of many people, and there is more work ahead that will require many hands and hearts to get through.

As we look forward to taking bigger steps down the line, let us be keenly aware of the small steps that we need to take together on the way. As a community of faith, there are a number of steps that we will be taking together over the coming weeks and months. Some of those opportunities are outlined below.

Soft Open and Welcome Back Sunday: The first 2 Sundays in September are pretty special, and they will set the tone for the Fall months, possibly into the new year as we continue to wrestle with COVID-19.

  • September 6th – Soft Open: This is where we will be checking the shape and length of worship. Our intention is that it will be shorter than a regular worship service, and there will be a number of elements removed to make that happen. There may be bugs and hiccups, but our hope is to work these out in the first week. There will be no Sunday School on September 6th. A draft of this service is available on our website here:
  • September 13th – Welcome Back Sunday: This is our official Welcome Back Sunday. It won’t look like it has in years before, there won’t be cake, and there won’t be a BBQ, but there will be Sunday School.

New Zoom link and privacy policy: Zoom has changed its privacy policies and starting in September will require meetings to have a password. Because of this, we have had to change a few things. Starting on September 6th, we will use a new Zoom link, and you will be required to enter the password to join our live worship virtually

Step-by-Step From Sidewalk to Pew, and Back Again: What follows is what you can expect, step-by-step, when you arrive on Sunday morning.

  • Line-up Outside: As we screen people at the door, we are asking all of you to line up down the ramp and along the side of the building before worship. There will be tape to indicate where to stand and where to go. There will also be signs with some of the questions you should be prepared to answer. Please be sure to put your mask or shield on here. Worship will start at 10:30 AM sharp, so arrive early to get your seat.
  • Screening at the Door: Like many places, we will have a greeter at the door asking you the standard travel and health questions before you are able to enter. They have been instructed to turn people away who fail that screening and/or those who do not have a mask or face-shield.
  • Placing Offering in Receptacle: To avoid passing around a plate in the middle of worship, we are asking that those with gifts to bring, place them in the designated offering receptacle in the Narthex after being screened but before being seated.
  • Seated by an Usher: After screening you will be asked “upstairs or downstairs” and the appropriate usher will lead you (following some arrows on the floor) to the next available pew according to our seating instructions. If you are part of a larger bubbled group (4+ people) that has already arrived or will be arriving after you, please let your usher know. You might not get to sit in your favourite pew, but you might get a new perspective on the worship experience.
  • Mask/Shield on through Worship: Though our worship space is amazing, it is poorly ventilated, and so we require that you wear your mask/shield throughout worship.
  • Directed out by Usher: At the end of worship, you will be directed when to leave you pew by the usher, with those closest to the exit leaving first, and those farthest from the exit leaving last.
  • Back out into the world: Once you are outside the walls of St. Paul’s United, you may remove your mask/shield. We ask that if people do gather in the parking lot, they do so physically distanced from one another.

If we follow these steps, we can ensure a safe and still Spirit-filled time of worship!

Return to Sunday School: Along with getting back together for Sunday worship, we will also be restarting our Sunday School in the fall. Our hope is that we begin our Sunday School on Sunday, September 13th. We are asking parents to have a look over the operational plan that we will provide, and to pre-register when possible. To pre-register your child/children, contact Cathy Davis at 455 – 1129 or by                                                email at

Operational Plans: We have been working hard to get our Operational Plans finished for both worship and Sunday School to ensure that you and our children can worship and experience the word safely. The drafts of those plans can be found here:

Pantry Needs: As some of us are returning to in-person, now is the perfect time to restart our “Pantry Sundays” at the start of each month.The shelves are getting pretty low, and we could use the following: Instant coffee, cheez whiz, peanut butter, pudding cups, juices, ketchup, canned milk, meat, laundry/dish soap, and cereals. Come and be a part of one of those basic calls of Christ: to feed people. Any donation would be greatly appreciated thank you very much.

Pastoral Concerns & Hospital Visitation
With the easing of restrictions means more opportunity for Rev. Richard to be there for you when you need him. As always, he is available to address pastoral care concerns over the phone (262-2150) or by email (, but you may want a visit after so long. If you would like to arrange a visit, contact Rev. Richard either by phone or email, and a time will be set up.

If you or someone you know is in hospital, restrictions have been loosened there as well. Clergy are now allowed to visit people who are in hospital so long as a direct request is made to the minister, with a room number. Call or email any time and Rev. Richard will get to the hospital as soon as he is able.

We begin this new journey together with the words of Christ ringing in our ears, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” Whether we are gathered together in person or online, we are creating a holy space and inviting Christ to be there with us.

Let us pray as we approach that holy time, that holy space, the holy relationships that we have with one another and with our divine parent:

Where two or more are gathered in your name, O Christ,
your word is heard;
your life is explored;
your love is shared.
Where two or more are gathered in your name, O Christ,
we receive our inheritance;
we create;
we welcome.
Where two or more are gathered in your name, O Christ,
you are there among us. AMEN

Yours in Christ
Rev. Richard Bowley